12 de nov. de 2011

Público Visitante \ Visiting Public

668 pessoas visitaram minha Exposição, o sucesso foi gratificante, vendi 7 telas e agendei 18 encomendas entre desenhos e pinturas. No final da Mostra fiz o sorteio de 2 encomendas, os ganhadores foram Hugo Henrique de Oliveira Vasconcelos e Dr. Thiago Souza Resk.  Agradeço à todos que prestigiaram e principalmente à Secretária da Cultura de Artur Nogueira

668 people visited my exhibition, success was gratifying, sold seven paintings and 18 orders booked between drawings and paintings. At the end of the show did the drawing of two orders, the winners were Hugo Henrique de Oliveira Vasconcelos and Dr.Thiago Souza Resk. Thanks to everyone who attended and especially to the Secretary of Culture of Artur Nogueira


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